Tracy Nicasio

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Tracy nicasio


Tracy has lived in Tucson for over 30 years and is very passionate about helping people. She has worked in the office for over 6 years beginning in August 2015 and is both dedicated and committed to making clients feel at ease and comfortable. She enjoys live music, hiking in various areas of Arizona's gorgeous landscapes, good food and loves to bring people together to socialize and experience all of life's pleasures! You might find her on a beautiful ocean beach or deep in the mountains as she loves to travel. As much as she loves to travel, she also loves the desert and the sand, which provides the opportunity of riding quads, hiking running and simply being outdoors!


Tracy has one son, David, who graduated from the U of A May, 2016. She loves spending as much time as she can with him doing fun things like watching football, cooking, playing games and just about anything they find to do together.


Tracy also has a little pup named Meika. Meika is her sidekick and does almost everything with her, including going to work and running!

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